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Woodland Elementary School

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Welcome to Woodland's Health Office
My name is Karen Kuey RN, BSN, CSN
phone # 732-251-1177 ext. 8507
Fax # 732-251-2483
To report your child absent, you must log onto his/her Genesis account to enter each daily absence. If your child's illness is not entered into Genesis, it will remain an unexcused absence. 
Illness: If your child is ill, please keep them home until they are feeling better. Students must be fever free (<100.4) for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. Students must also be free of vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
Notes: All students returning from an absence of any length of time must provide a written statement that is dated and signed by the parent listing the reason for the absence. A note from the physician is requested if your child misses 5 or more days with any serious illness requiring medical evaluation.
Medications:All students must have written permission by the physician/health care provider and a parent in order to receive medications in school.All medications must be delivered, in the original container, to the nurse by an adult. Students are not permitted to transport medication to and from school. All medication must be picked up by the last day of school.
Please feel free to send in or e-mail any health updates on your child so we can update their record at anytime.