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Woodland Elementary School

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Student Absence and Attendance

Attendance should be reported through the Genesis Parent Portal for all student absences and tardies.   Please document the reason for the absence in the comments section so that the nurse can monitor illness trends in the classrooms.  All medical documents (physician notes, physical education restrictions, etc.) can be sent to school when  your child returns.   There is no longer a need to call the attendance line.  It is school policy that students who are excused from Physical Education classes with a note from a parent or the physician.
Students are required to bring written excuses for absences within TWO days of their return.  
To be marked present for a full day, a pupil must be in attendance 1 hour of instructional time in the AM and 1 hour of instructional time in the PM.   
Students absent due to a contagious disease must have a doctor's note to be re-admittted.
Please refer to the attached procedures.