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Woodland Elementary School

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Helpful Tips During School Closing

Hello Parents/Guardians and Students,

I would like to share some ideas here that may help everyone keep their routine (and sanity) in check as much as possible during this time.  I would also love to hear your ideas as well!  Many of these have been shared from teachers, co-workers, and others.  

Set up a schedule 

We are creatures of habit.  Routine and schedule are not only important for children but for adults as well.  Set up a schedule that works for your family's needs.  Consider the tasks that have to get done each day and prioritize them.  Don't forget to build in breaks during your day.  They are built into the school schedule and can be structured for home as well.  Movement breaks are especially important for children and hopefully during this time they can get outside for as much fresh air as possible.  

Movement Break

Mindfulness strategies

Try one new strategy each day!

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