Mrs. Jamie Newcomb
School Counselor and Anti-Bullying Specialist
(732) 251-1177
What is a School Counselor?
What is a School Counselor?
School Counselors address the academic, personal, social, and career developmental needs of ALL students while working closely with parents, educators, administrators, and community members.
What does a School Counselor do?
Teach guidance lessons throughout the year based on our FISH Philosophies program as well as other topics related to building good character
Coordinate Character Education programs in the school
Consult with teachers and parents to help meet students' needs
Provide conflict resolution support to students as needed
"Lunch Bunch" lunchtime discussion groups
Provide group counseling for students experiencing similar concerns
Provide short-term individual counseling to students as needed (4-6 sessions)
Coordinate Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) as well as crisis intervention services and coordination of mental health services with outside agencies
Coordinate state testing procedures
I have an open door policy. A student may request to see me at any time or, as the parent, an occasion may arise when you would like me to speak with your child. Sometimes students are referred by their teacher or other staff members. Parents can either email me or call me at the school as listed above.