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Woodland Elementary School

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School Dismissal Work

Physical Education Log

Print out the above log

Fill in date, activity and how many minutes per activity

* Goal is at least 60 minutes a day

Example:  Wednesday 3-18  (Fill in activity boxes for that day)

Walking 30 minutes, Push-ups  10 minutes, Vacuuming  15 minutes, Stretching 5 minutes

Suggested Activities

Walking/jogging              Biking (helmet on)            Jumping Jacks/Jump Roping

Push-ups                        Sit-ups/Crunches              Squat thrusts

Mountain climbers           Crab walking                    Pull-up/flex are hang

Stretching                         Yoga                                 Planks

Dancing                            Juggling (scarves)            Leg lifts

*Even doing house chores!

Vacuuming                       Cleaning your room         Washing dishes

Folding Laundry               Walking the dog               Making your bed